Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Survivor Customs | Part One | Exhaust

Survivor Customs - Part One - Exhaust from Drifter Visual on Vimeo.
Part one of three documenting the creation of a full custom vintage flattracker based on a Triumph TRW 500 Twin.

Filmed over 3 hours at the Survivor Customs HQ in Middlesborough, UK.

Music by Acid King.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Follow your instincts

Follow your instincts from Enrique Pacheco Xtras on Vimeo.
Cinematography: Enrique Pacheco - www.enriquepacheco.com
Music: The American Dollar - http://theamericandollar.info and Dan Auerbach - http://www.nonesuch.com/artists/dan-auerbach
CRD: http://www.caferacerdreams.com.es

Shot on Sony a99 and Zeiss lenses.
Edited on FC7 and graded with Filmconvert

The Machine

The Machine Files 004: The Machine Files is an on-line magazine and the feature of this issue is the Sam Oppie Cut-down. from matt machine on Vimeo.
Get a load of David Reidie's 1928 JDH Cut-down built by Sam Oppie.
Head over to www.themachinefiles.com.au and pick up a copy of Issue 004 if you want to get up close and personal with motorcycle.

Thanks for watching everyone,
